Many thanks to Rodney and Willian Greenslade from R Greenslade Buildings for their recent purchase of a new Volvo ECR25D Excavator. This new machine will compliment an array of other equipment that the farther and son team own and operate in their family run business of supplying and installing farm buildings form the ground up as well as general groundworks and building works.

The ECR25D compact Excavator has been designed with mobility and performance in mind. Featuring a range of innovations engineered for effortless transportation, you’ll benefit from an ideal transport weight and an integrated bucket transport system. This powerful, short radius excavator boasts strong lifting capabilities as well as breakout and tear out forces that rival larger machines. The machine was supplied with a new hydraulic thumb which has generated great feedback from previous customers who have opted for this attachment.

We wish all at R Greenslade’s the very best for the coming new year and hope they enjoy the new Volvo ECR25D.